Woodley Baptist Church, Hurricane Way, Woodley, Reading, RG5 4UX.

All are welcome to our Tuesday TODDLERS morning (09:30 to 11:00) for children (up to school age) and their parent(s)/carer(s). A time for; fun, play, crafts, songs and stories in a safe and happy environment. A drink and biscuits are provided for the children with coffee, cake and a chance to chat and make friends for the adults.

Please contact Graham Sumbler on 07725 905427 to join our waiting list.

£2 for the first adult and 2 children and then 50p per adult and child over that

About Woodley Baptist Church

Welcome to Woodley Baptist Church where we hope you will find a community centred around loving Jesus Christ and making Him known, so please read a message from our Minister Andy Baker in “Our First Words to You“, find out a little about us in “Who’s Who” and what makes our community unique in “What Holds Us Together?” and finally be challenged in “The Important Things“.