Thursday at 10am to 12.30pm.
Join us for coffee, chat and some fun every Thursday. Quiz, games, craft and fellowship, topical speaker and Bible study. Followed by an optional hot lunch, served at 12.45pm. Cost: £3 morning and £4 for lunch. Please let us know if you are coming so that we know how many people to cater for. Mobile: 07765600372 Email: office@coffeeandcraft.org.uk
About Wycliffe Baptist Church
We are a community of people based in Reading of all different ages who have come from different backgrounds and walks of life. Yet we all have one thing in common; We love Jesus and want to follow His teachings. We extend a big warm welcome to all new Hong Kong arrivals to join our community and family. We already have a number of Hong Kongers in our church family that would love to get to know you and we also share the same church building as our friends the Reading Chinese Christian Church (RCCC)!